Over the next few months, Time Entry and Approval will move from the current system (Web Advisor) to a new interface (Self Service). These articles include step by step instructions for submitting and approving time in Self Service.

Categories (2)

Self Service Time Entry and Approval for CSEA Employees

This category contains information for entering and approving time for CSEA employees.

Self Service Time Entry and Approval for PCPSOA Employees

This category contains information for entering and approving time for PCPSOA Union employees.

Articles (4)

Pinned Article Self Service Time Entry

This article explains how to enter work and benefit time in Self Service

Self Service Time Approval

This article explains how to approve work and benefit time in Self Service

Self Service View Pay Advices

This article explains how to view pay advices in Self Service

Assign A Manager Proxy in Colleague Self Service

This article explains how to set up a proxy in Self Service to fill in for a manager while they are out of the office.