Printing on Campus with SLU Public Printing


On St. Lawrence's campus, there are public copiers that can be used to print documents for class. Each student gets a printing budget of $48 annually. Black and White pages cost 6 cents per page, color pages cost 30 cents per page. This service is called SLU Public Printing. IT recommends you install SLU Public Printing onto your computer so you can print natively with the "Print" options across different apps. However, there are alternative ways to print as well. Once you have printed to SLU Public Printing, simply hold up your ID card to the card reader at any public copier until it beeps, and press the print button on the screen. Then your job will print out at the copier in front of you.

Instructions to Install SLU Public Printing on your Computer

Click on one of the choices below to view the contents.

  1. Click this link to download the Mobility Print software.
  2. Run the downloaded file. 
  3. Accept the agreement and click Next.
  4. Printer selections select SLU_Public_Printing_Mobile and SLU_Public_Printing_Mobile_Color and click Next. 
  5. Enter SLU username without out the and password and click Next
  6. Click Finish. Mobility print queues should now show up under Windows settings menu. 

  1. Confirm that the computer is connected to the Eduroam Wi-Fi network.
  2. Click the Apple Button on the top left of the tool bar and select System Settings.
  3. Click on Printers and Scanners (Very last option in settings list).
  4. Click Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax... on the bottom-right.
  5. In the list that appears, select slu_public_printing_mobile and click Add.
  6. Repeat these steps to add SLU_Public_Printing_mobile_Color as well.

PLEASE NOTE: The first time you print to SLU Public Printing, you will need to enter your SLU Username in the username field, and your SLU password in the password field. If your computer's account name is present in the username field, delete that first.

  1. Confirm the device is connected to the Eduroam wifi network
  2. Install the Mobility Print Chrome App:
  3. Open the page you would like to print. If printing is available, right-click; then click Print
  4. Click Change to choose a printer
  5. Select SLU_Public_Printing_mobile or SLU_Public_Printing_mobile_Color from the list
  6. When prompted, enter your SLU Username and Password

Printing to SLU Public Printing on Phones and Tablets

  1. Install the Mobility Print app from the app store. Link to Mobility Print app.
  2. After the install is finished, open the app.
  3. Tap OK to enable notifications for the app.
  4. Tap on the button that says, “Tap here and check the Mobility Print Service is on.” On the page that it opens, ensure that Mobility Print is enabled.
  5. To print, go to the file that you would like to print and click Print. (This may be under File or Share.)
  6. At the top that says "Select a printer," choose either SLU_Public_Printing_Mobile or SLU_Public_Printing_Color_Mobile and then tap Print.
  7. In the pop-up box that reads“Use Mobility Print?” tap OK.
  8. You should receive a notification from Mobility Print saying “Your print job needs authentication.” If you do not receive the notification, try opening the Mobility Print app first. Tap on the notification to open it.
  9. Sign in with your full St Lawrence University email and password. Ensure that “Remember me?” is checked.
  10. Tap Sign In And Print.
  11. The page should disappear and you will get a notification that says “Print Job Submitted Successfully."
Printing is available on iOS devices without the need to install any software. 
  1. Confirm the device is connected to the Eduroam wifi network
  2. In the App’s menu, tap the Share Icon
  3. Tap the Printer Icon
  4. Tap slu_public_printing or slu_public_printing_mobile or slu_public_printing_mobile_color
  5. Enter your SLU username and password
  6. Tap the Print button on the top right of the screen.

For additional settings, tap on options for additional configuration options.

Printing via the SLU Public Printing Website and Email

Printing is also available via a web portal and the Public Printing email account. Click on one of the choices below to view the contents.

Public Printing Website
  1. In a web browser, navigate to:
  2. Enter your SLU username and password
  3. On the left sidebar, click on Web Print
  4. Click Submit a Job
  5. Select either SLU_Public_Printing or SLU_Public_Printing_Color and click Print Options and Account Selection
  6. Click Upload Documents
  7. Click Upload from computer and select the document you would like to print
  8. Click Upload and Complete
  9. The status of the job will update, and when it says Held in Queue, it is ready to be picked up from a public copier
Printing through Email
  1. From your St. Lawrence email account, send the document as an attachment to one of the following two email addresses:
  2. You will receive a confirmation email that your document has been received and processed
  3. Pick up your document from a SLU Public Printing or SLU Public Printing (Color) copier

Note: Default print settings (1 copy, duplex) cannot be changed. Only PDFs and Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word files are accepted.

Additional Information and Troubleshooting