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    This article explains how to manage distribution groups at St. Lawrence
    An overview of Distribution Groups, including what they are, instructions for how to manage them, a glossary of terms, and more.
    This article discusses managing distribution group membership.
    This article explains how to set up email on your devices as well as removing it.
    If you have been granted access to a generic (or shared access) email account by a Systems Administrator, you can add the account to your Microsoft Outlook client by following the steps below.
    If Outlook looks differently than it should, or you aren't getting emails that you should be getting, try following these steps.
    This article explains how to recover deleted items in your St. Lawrence Email. Deleted items are recoverable for up to 60 days after they are deleted. This article also includes how to recover emails that have been emptied from the trash/deleted items folder.
    This article describes the different features of Outlook Webmail and Calendar and how to access them.
    This article explains how to install Microsoft Office 365 applications (e.g. Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for Mac and Windows computers. It also shows you where to use the Web versions of office on Chromebook.
    This article explains how to setup Outlook so that you can choose which mail profile to open.
    Use of the University's network system or any of its components renders the user subject to, and constitutes the user's agreement to abide by, this Policy.
    Instructions for how to make your inbox update again if it say it is working offline.