ChemDraw Installation


ChemDraw is a software available to students at St. Lawrence University enrolled in Chemistry classes. It can be installed on a user's personal computer.

Installation Instructions

Click on one of the choices below to view the contents.

Mac Instructions
  1. Map the N drive to your computer.
  2. Open the N drive in Finder.
  3. Navigate to N:\Menu\SLU Network Menu\Software for Courses\Chemistry\ChemDraw Prime 20.1\Mac
  4. Open cd201.dmg and click to Agree to the license terms.
  5. Drag the ChemDraw 20.1 icon to the Applications shortcut.
  6. Open Applications and click the ChemDraw 20.1 icon.
  7. When you're prompted to activate ChemDraw, enter your information under Name, Organization, and Email.
  8. For Activation Code, enter 1881-377F-82F0-892F.
  9. Click Activate.
  10. You should see a message indicating a successful activation.
  11. Click Choose Custom Location if you wish to change the default installation folders, otherwise click Install to accept the default options.
Windows Instructions
  1. Map the N drive to your computer.
  2. Open the N drive in Windows Explorer.
  3. Navigate to N:\Menu\SLU Network Menu\Software for Courses\Chemistry\ChemDraw Prime 20.1\Windows
  4. Copy the Windows directory to your local Desktop and open the Windows folder from there.
  5. Right click Install.exe and select Run As Administrator and answer Yes to the prompt.
  6. You should see a message indicating a successful activation after several seconds.
  7. Click OK on the activation pop up.
  8. In the ChemOffice Suite 2020 20.1.1 installation wizard, click Next.
  9. Scroll through the License Agreement until the Next button becomes clickable.
  10. Select I accept the terms and click Next.
  11. Click Change if you wish to change the default destination folders, otherwise click Next to accept the default options.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click ChemScript 20.1.1 64-bit.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Click Next to install Python 3.2.
  16. Click Install.
  17. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Additional Information

If you need help downloading, activating, installing, or using your software, please contact the IT Help Desk or visit the online customer support portal:

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