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These instructions are for installing the EMS Client on a SLU Workstation. Note: this install is only available for Microsoft Windows Workstation.
A list of software installed by default on university-owned office computers, along with software that is available to be installed on request.
This article provides instructions for how to set up Python on your personal computer for use in Computer Science classes.
This is a tutorial on how to install Minitab Express for Windows and Mac. You can also use the SLU Virtual Desktop if you don't want to install Minitab Express on your personal computer.
Instructions for how to install Adobe applications through the Creative Cloud app.
This is a tutorial on how to install Minitab for Windows. Mac users can run Minitab from as part of the Windows 10 Lab virtual desktop or as a Remote App.
A list of software that the university offers to be installed on personal devices.
A list of software available for students and faculty to install on their personal devices.
Some apps downloaded and installed from the Internet could adversely affect your Mac. Gatekeeper helps protect your Mac from such apps. Read this article to learn about Gatekeeper and its options.
When employees get new computers, sometimes SAINTS isn't installed correctly or at all. This article explains the process for installing SAINTS on a University Computer.
Instructions for how to install Skype for Business on a Windows computer.
Mathematica is available for students to install on their personal computers. Their access will end when they graduate or leave the University. The current version of Mathematica will also be available to students in any of the public computer labs.
Instructions for how to install Skype for Business on an iOS or Android mobile device.
Instructions for how to install Skype for Business on a Mac computer.
Software Center is a part the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) that is installed on most St. Lawrence University desktops and laptops running Microsoft Windows. Software Center shows software that has been installed, is available for install, as well as any Microsoft Updates that are required. In-place operating system upgrades and new operating deployments can also be made available through Software Center.