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    New URLs for Colleague in the Ellucian Managed Cloud
    This article explains how PCPSOA employees that work shift differential should enter time in Colleague Self Service.
    This article explains how PCPSOA employees that do not work shift differential should enter time in Colleague Self Service.
    This article explains how CSEA employees that do not work shift differential should enter time in Colleague Self Service.
    This article explains how CSEA employees that work shift differential should enter time in Colleague Self Service.
    This article explains how to approve time for PCPSOA Employees
    This article explains how to approve time for CSEA employees.
    This article explains how to approve work and benefit time in Self Service
    This article contains useful information for easy navigation of Colleague Self Service budget management.
    This article explains how to set up a proxy in Self Service to fill in for a manager while they are out of the office.
    This article explains how to enter work and benefit time in Self Service
    Reimbursement Requests and Requisitions (also known as “Financial Management”)- Is located under the Financial Management tab on your landing page. Upon selection you will be brought to the Financial Management Overview page. Based on your individual user permission/role this is the page you will be able to approve documents, receive goods and services, create requisitions or request for payment, or check your budget to actuals.
    Requistion, Purchase Orders and other approvals
    Budget to Actuals is similar to “Finance Query”, with the addition of some budget specific information and additional viewing opportunities.
    Using Finance Query in Self Service