Budget to Actuals is similar to “Finance Query”, with the addition of some budget specific information and additional viewing opportunities. Under My Cost Centers, there is a bar graph view showing a summary of data in a bar graph format

In “List View” you see the data in a summarized list by GL Account.

In “Object View” you see a summary of data by Object. In the same way you can drill into additional details in “Finance Query”, you can do the same in any of these views.

If you have access to request a budget adjustment, you can click on the “Budget Adjustment” button to start that process. The screen will walk you through each step to complete and submit for approval the budget adjustment request. You will not be allowed to complete the request unless you have funds available and other account parameters are met. You can drag the account number from the budget screen to save time in entering account information.

If you are responsible for budget adjustment approvals, you can view and approve those requests on this screen.