This article explains how to approve time for PCPSOA Employees in Self Service. Note that there are 2 formats that a PCPSOA Employee time card may have.
- Summary - This is for employees that do not work shifts that are eligible for shift differential. These employees will enter the total number of hours worked on a given day.
- Detailed - This is for employees that work shifts that are eligible for shift differential. They will have to enter time in and time out. Shift differential pay will be calculated automatically based on when they clock in and clock out.

- Click on the Time Approval tab:

Note: below there are Filters (Pay Cycles and Status) and Search capabilities to view the employee(s) along with Reset Filters and Clear Search. You can also navigate using the Page arrows.

- You can click on the down carrot next to the employee’s name to see a summary of the pay period information, see below:

Note: The first view gives you the summary of the pay period status and hours. You can click on the down carrot next to the pay cycle (Bi Weekly) to view both weeks of the pay period.

Both views above provide you with the option to Approve, Reject, Comment, or click on View to be taken to the time card for further analysis and editing. If you edit the time card the employee will receive an email notification advising you have edited the time card.
Below is a view of the time card you may see after clicking on View.
Note below in the upper left corner you can see the Position ID and Title, and under those fields, your name as the supervisor and title, a summary of the hours entered and the status of the time card, i.e., unsubmitted.
On the right side is the Save button, you can use to Save button, but the time card will also automatically save and show you the time it was saved. You can click on the View Leave Balances to see leave balances.
You can use the arrows to navigate between the time card weeks, depending which week you are currently on, go forward or backward.
The highlighted line designates a Holiday.
If there is a work schedule the hours are shown across the top of the time card.
You can enter time a number of ways: 3 pm or 3:00 pm; 3 PM or 3:00 PM or use the drop down options and choose the time (AM or PM); the tab key will bring you to the next field to enter time.

- Click on the PLUS sign to add additional time in/time out options for that day, if applicable.

- Use the + Additional Time tab to select from the Choose Earn Type options or click Remove

Note: The hours are totaled at the end of the week and you can click on the Remove Vacation button to delete the line.
You can view the Position Total Hours by day and total at the end of the row for the week.
Weekly totals are summarized at the bottom of the time card and will note Daily Total Hours, Regular Hours, and when applicable, Additional Hours, Overtime Hours, and Shift Differential Hours.

- Employees can use the Return Time card to Edit (un-submit) before the pay period cut off date and re-submit the time card for approval.

Note: Automated email notifications are sent to the supervisor when and employee Submits and/or Return Time card to Edit (un-submits) their time card.
Leave Time
You can’t enter time that will put a leave balance into a negative balance. If you or one of your employees puts in more time than they have available, you will see the error below.

- You need to change the amount or Remove PERB – Personal Business, before the time card can be saved (automatically or by clicking the Save button).

From the Time card view you have can do the following:

Or return to the Time Approval page

Note: Employees receive email notifications when a supervisor approves, un-approves, rejects or edits an employee’s time card.
Additional Information
If you have questions about entering time in this system, please contact the Business Office or Human Resources.