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    Instructions for moving files from your P Drive to a personal computer.
    This article explains how to connect to the network drives (P, S and T) from your computer. If you are off campus, you will need to connect to our VPN.
    This article explains how to connect to the Eduroam wifi network.
    This article explains how to use the Microsoft Password Reset page to reset your SLU network password.
    This article explains how to change your default wireless network on both Mac and Windows.
    This article explains how to connect a Chromecast to the St. Lawrence Network.
    This article explains how to set up network printers for mac and windows computers.
    A list of steps for connecting to the guest wifi network on all major platforms.
    Use of the University's network system or any of its components renders the user subject to, and constitutes the user's agreement to abide by, this Policy.
    Information about network account access for new faculty and staff.