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    This article teaches you how to connect to the T-Drive on a Windows or Mac computer.
    This article includes a full overview of the new Microsoft Teams desk phones, including how to set them up, adjusting volume and brightness, making calls, call controls like transfers and using the dial pad, and managing your voicemail.
    This article will show you how to set up SLU Public Printing on your computer.
    Record greetings, create rules for call forwarding, reset user's access PIN, enabling missed calls and voicemail to be sent to user's email, and configure notifications.
    Instructions for setting up or resetting voicemail PIN.
    Instructions for how to set up the Remote Desktop app on your smart device to connect to the Remote Desktop and Remote Apps.
    Instructions for how to set up the Remote Desktop and Remote Apps on computers using the Remote Desktop App.
    Recommendations for setting up and scheduling Zoom meetings and classes.