Archiving Student Sakai Content

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Archiving Student Submitted Sakai Content 

It is important to note these recommendations provide options for downloading student work, but may not archive every single piece of information in Sakai and the formatting may change.

Sakai will remain in warm storage for the 2023-24 academic year and specific course content items can be retrieved with a specific request. The recommendations here are outlined to assist faculty who may need to have ongoing access to student content for purposes of mid-pro and/or promotion review processes.

If you have questions about another area of Sakai or in general, please submit a service request to Educational Technologies

Sakai Assignments Tool:

It is possible to use the steps below on each assignment to download a zipped folder of submission data. If all the parameters in step #4 are selected it will create a folder for each student with submitted documents, inline (text area) submissions, grade data, returned attachments and instructor comments. 

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select the assignment
  2. Click either the 'Grade' (or 'View Submissions') link
  3. On the following page, click the "Download All"
  4. Check the 'All' check box to select all
  5. Click the 'Download'
  6. A zip file of the Assignment data will be download (in most cases, to the Downloads folder
  7. Save this file to a location you desire
  8. Repeat for each assignment you wish to archive

Sakai Drop Box Tool:

The steps below outline how to download a zipped folder of all drop box data.

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select the 'Drop Box'
  2. Go to the top level folder (usually has the course name), and choose 'Actions'
  3. Choose 'Compress to ZIP Archive'
    • After some processing time (which can vary depending on how much data) a ZIP file will be added to the drop box tool folder list
  4. Click on the link to the new zipped folder to download it
  5. Save this file to a location you desire
  6. Repeat for each course

Sakai Discussions Tool:

Unfortunately, the discussion forum tool does not have a way to export content; however, one can go to each topic and print these to PDF.  This will not print out grade data associated with forums or the instructional content - these would need to be printed separately. Note: If you sent forum grading data to the gradebook, see steps below to export gradebook data. 

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select 'Discussions'
  2. Click on the topic, and then choose the print button along the top
  3. On the following print window, click the print icon and then choose the desired printer
    • The recommendation is to print to PDF to archive as a digital file
    • One could also just select all the text and copy/paste into WORD
  4. Save this file to a location you desire
  5. Repeat for each topic you wish to archive

Sakai Gradebook:

The Sakai gradebook can be exported out to a csv spreadsheet file using the steps below. 

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select Gradebook
  2. Select the Import / Export tab
  3. If needed, select the 'Custom Export' link to change the options
  4. Click the 'Export Gradebook' button to download the file
  5. Save this file to a location you desire
  6. Repeat for each course gradebook you wish to archive

Sakai PostEm:

If you used PostEm to post grades and do not have your grade file, use the steps below to download the grade data. 

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select PostEm
  2. Click the 'Download' link next to each entry you want to archive. 
  3. Save file to a location you desire
  4. Repeat for each course PostEm you wish to archive

Sakai Tests & Quizzes:

Responses and grade data can be exported to a csv spreadsheet from test and quizzes. This process would need to be repeated for each assessment separately where you want to archive student responses. 

  1. Go to the Sakai course and select 'Test & Quizzes'
  2. Go to the desired assessment and choose 'Actions' >'Scores'
  3. One the following page, choose the 'Export' tab
  4. Click the 'Export' button to download the .xls (Excel) spreadsheet file. 
  5. Save this file to a location you desire
  6. Repeat for each assessment you wish to archive

Other Sakai Tools:

Student Lesson Pages:

Sakai Blogs Tool:

  • This is not a commonly used tool and there is no export option other than to print each response using the browser print option.