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    This article explains how to publish / unpublish a Canvas course. All Canvas course sites are created automatically unpublished. Students will not be able to access a Canvas course if it is not published.
    This article explains how to transfer content and settings (e.g., files, modules, discussions, quizzes, assignments, etc.) between Canvas sites.
    This is your one-stop source for information to help you use Canvas successfully in your teaching.
    This is your one-stop source for information to help you use Canvas successfully.
    Students are automatically enrolled in Canvas sites as it is synchronized with the student registration system. This article explains how instructors can manually add participants to their site if needed.
    When you multiple Canvas courses, you can customize the courses you want to show on your Dashboard by creating a “favorite” list under your All Courses. Note: When no courses are favorited (the default), the dashboad with display up to 20 courses alphabetically.
    Save time grading paper-based assignments. Gradescope supports worksheets, quizzes/exams, and papers. Students upload handwritten assignments ("scanned" with cell phone camera) to be graded. Grade with a rubric that can be created/changed as you work through submissions.
    This article provides an overview of the option to download and archive student submitted content and grades from Sakai
    Taking tests can be stressful. Taking tests online will be more stressful if you encounter technical issues. While there is no guarantee, adhering to the guidelines below will help you avoid some of the more common technical issues encountered while taking online tests to ensure your work gets submitted successfully.