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Add an interactive component to your class with iClicker, TurningPoint, Poll Everywhere or wireless quiz buzzers.

Multi-Factor Authentication is a method for adding additional security to your St. Lawrence accounts.
If you are experiencing difficulty with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), please submit a ticket here.

While at St. Lawrence, students are permitted two times to withdraw from a course.

Unlike with an add/drop (available during the first seven days of the semester), the course remains on the student's transcript, with a “W” in lieu of a grade.

Students are not permitted to withdraw from FYP or FYS.

Advisor acknowledgement must accompany your withdraw request.

Canvas is our campus Learning Management System or LMS to support teaching and learning.

Learn about printing large items such as posters for class.

Students may take any four courses in a semester, regardless of their unit value, without additional tuition charges. Students may also take five or six courses that total no more than 4.75 units without additional tuition charges. An overload consists of five or six courses totaling more than 4.75 units, or more than six courses.

Consider these copyright compliance “best practices” when making readings available to your students…

This is where you can apply to become a student worker at the IT Help Desk.