
During the first seven days after classes begin in any semester (or the first three days after classes begin in summer session), a student may add or drop a course without any record being made of the change on the student's transcript. If the semester begins on a Wednesday, the add/drop deadline is the following Thursday. 

Adding Courses - Permission REQUIRED

Adding courses during the Add/Drop week requires you to get the approval of the instructor ahead of submitting a request form. If you are electing to add a course, your request will be routed to the instructor permitting admittance to the course. Once the approval/decline is given, we will process the request. 

Dropping Courses - Permission NOT REQUIRED

Dropping courses during the Add/Drop week does not require approval of the instructor. If you are electing to drop a course, please fill out the form accordingly, attach any document, and submit.

Additional Notes

The add/drop period is not a "free" time in which class attendance does not count. Courses cover important content during the first few classes, and many have assignments due during that period. The later you add a class, the harder it is to catch-up and succeed, so it is best to make a decision about adding a class as soon as possible.

Once the add/drop deadline has passed, it is only possible to add or drop a class with the approval of the Academic Petitions Committee, and there is normally a $50 late schedule change fee. A petition will usually only be approved if the student has already been attending a class being added (or not been attending a class being dropped).

After the add/drop period, a student may withdraw from a class until the end of the tenth week of classes.

For the complete policy, please see the "Add/Drop Policy" section of the most current University Catalog

Request Form

Attachments (0)

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