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    Record greetings, create rules for call forwarding, reset user's access PIN, enabling missed calls and voicemail to be sent to user's email, and configure notifications.
    This article describes how to check your voicemail from your telephone
    Instructions for setting up or resetting voicemail PIN.
    Various methods for forwarding phone calls on NEC and Polycom campus phones.
    Instructions for how to install Skype for Business on a Windows computer.
    This article provides links to Microsoft resources and articles for Skype for Business.
    Making international calls with NEC and Polycom phones on St. Lawrence University campus.
    Making phone calls with NEC and Polycom campus phones.
    Transferring calls for NEC and Polycom phones at St. Lawrence University.
    This article explains how to add multiple participants to a phone call on a Polycom telephone.
    This article outlines information on making and receiving calls with Polycom Lync integrated phones.