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    Services or Offerings?
    The core systems or applications that support business processes at SLU.

    Some of the supported systems include, but aren't limited to Colleague, Saints (SLU) Portal, Self Service (APR 2.0), Report Manager, CROA, EMS, Residence, Advocate, SLUWire, NYAlert (Everbridge), Slate,TMA, Kronos, GLOAD, the Raiser's Edge, Pitney Bowes or SAINTS Legacy System
    Web Applications (Course Evaluations,Door Code Generator and Instructional Resources)

    Consider these copyright compliance “best practices” when making readings available to your students…

    While at St. Lawrence, students are permitted two times to withdraw from a course.

    Unlike with an add/drop (available during the first seven days of the semester), the course remains on the student's transcript, with a “W” in lieu of a grade.

    Students are not permitted to withdraw from FYP or FYS.

    Advisor acknowledgement must accompany your withdraw request.

    This drive is used by the arts and music departments for projects.