Zoom meetings recorded to the cloud can automatically be moved to a Meeting Recordings folder in your personal folder (My Folder) in Panopto. Once the recording is processed on Panopto, recordings can be moved to other Panopto folders (e.g., your Canvas course folder if you have enabled the tool) and the original recording on Zoom will be deleted.
Enable Zoom + Panopto Integration
Once you have signed in to Panopto at least once (either directly or via Canvas), submit a request for an Educational Technologist to set up this integration for you.
Access Zoom Recordings from Panopto
- Log into Panopto: https://stlawu.hosted.panopto.com
- Go to My Folder (left)
- Click on Meeting Recordings folder
- To share with others:
- Click the share
- Under "Who can access this video" - choose the desired option (Your Organization (unlisted) is the most common
- Choose [Copy Link] and then send the link to your audience
Move a Meeting Recording to your Canvas Course Folder
Be sure you have added the Panopto tool to your Canvas course.
- Log in to your Canvas course
- Click Panopto Video
- Click the course folder in the Panopto window (e.g. MATH 999 01 FA22) to browse for a new folder
- Click My Folder
- Click Meeting Recordings
- Mouse over your recording and click Settings

- Next to Folder click Edit
- Browse for and select your course folder (either in Quick Access or under Canvas Courses)
- Click Save