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- Knowledge Base
- Academic Tools & Resources
Information about Linkedin Learning for Online Training
- Knowledge Base
- Microsoft Teams
Links to information about creating and joining meetings in Microsoft Teams
- Knowledge Base
- Microsoft Teams
Learn how to schedule Microsoft Teams meetings in Outlook
- Knowledge Base
Faculty, staff, and students can mitigate bandwidth issues, data caps, and other storage limitations by following these recommendations for files larger than 50MB.
- Knowledge Base
- Academic Tools & Resources
WeVideo is an online video editor that makes it easy to capture, create, view and share movies. A limited number of WeVideo licenses are available to faculty, staff, and students that sign in with their St. Lawrence University Microsoft 365 credentials.
- Knowledge Base
- Software Support
A list of the most common issues when conducting Zoom calls and how to correct them
- Knowledge Base
- Zoom
Information about using Zoom webinar features
- Knowledge Base
- Zoom
This article provides recommendations for presenters to get the most out of Zoom remote meetings
- Knowledge Base
- Academic Tools & Resources
This article explains how to back up your iMovie library in iMovie version 10. Your iMovie library contains all imported events and project files. Do not open any library files directly from a network drive as this could lead to data loss.