Opening and Viewing a Shared Outlook Calendar

This process will vary slightly depending upon whether you use Outlook on the Web, Outlook for Windows, or Outlook for Mac.  If you need assistance, contact the IT Help Desk for assistance

  • Open your Outlook calendar
  • Either in the left-sidebar or in the Ribbon, you will see an option to either Add Calendar or Open a Shared Calendar
  • Search for the calendar you wish to add/open
    • Note: if you have multiple accounts, you may need to choose the account you wish to search from
    • If given the option, choose to Add from Directory if adding a SLU-related calendar
    • Begin to type the name of the calendar you wish to open and matching calendars will appear.  For instance, Academic Calendar Events
  • Click Ok to add the calendar to your left side-bar
    • Note: if you have multiple calendar folders, you may be given the opportunity to choose which to save the calendar into
    • You can create folders and move calendars between them
  • In the left side-bar you can choose which calendar(s) to view
    • If viewing multiple calendars, you will have the option to view them separately or overlaid upon one another by using the arrows in the header for each calendar or by choosing the option on the View Menu/Ribbon
    • If overlaid, entries from different calendars will appear in different colors
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