Scan Multi-page Custom Size Documents with Public Printing Copiers

The default PaperCut scanning option on Public Printing Copiers works well for standard size scans and allows you to scan documents directly to your OneDrive storage. This is ideal for scanning loose 8.5 x 11 documents using the feeder at the top of the copier. If you are scanning multiple pages from a book, this secondary scanning option is best:

  1. Scan your ID card to log in to the copier
  2. Select Device Functions on screen
  3. Select the Scan option with the blue icon in the second row
  4. Select the option to Email Me* to email yourself a PDF of your scan
  5. Change 1-Sided to 2-Sided to create a multi-page PDF
  6. Choose Auto > Inches to set a custom scan size
  7. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to adjust the scan size (use the rulers along the edge of the glass as a guide)
  8. Press the physical Start button on the copier to start scanning
  9. You'll be prompted to press Start to continue scanning pages or to press Finish when the job is finished
  10. Press Start to send an email with your PDF

*The email attachment file size limit is 25MB. At 300 DPI (the default) a 10 scans of 8.5in x 11in text  is approximately 1.2MB.