Course Registration in APR2


This article explains how students register for and drop courses on APR 2.0. The course registration process is a three step process:

  1. Meet with your adviser
  2. Plan your schedule
  3. Register for courses

Courses can only be added or dropped during registration periods.

Before Registration

  1. Clear all holds preventing registration. Consult with Student Financial Services for financial holds and your adviser for academic holds
  2. Plan your schedule

Register for a Course

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your St. Lawrence username and password
  3. Click Student Planning
  4. Click the link under It’s Registration Time to access the registration page and view your course plan. Planned courses are yellow, registered courses are green
  5. Click the Register button corresponding to the class you wish to register for. Your planned course will change from yellow to green

If there are no available seats or you do not have the pre-requisites, consider registering for your second choice. You may only register for one course during the first round, which includes any required lab or peer pod.

Drop a Course

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your St. Lawrence username and password
  3. Click the link under It’s Registration Time to access the registration page and view your course plan. Planned courses are yellow, registered courses are green
  4. Click the Drop button corresponding to the course you wish to drop. Your registered course will change from green to yellow
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Article ID: 55535
Mon 6/11/18 4:30 PM
Fri 6/22/18 2:00 PM