Change your Default Programs on Windows 11


  1. Click the Start button. 
  2. Click the Settings button. 
  3. On the left sidebar, click Apps
  4. Click Default apps
  5. If you want to set a specific program as your default for all of its associated file types:  
    1. Underneath "Set defaults for applications", search for the program you want to set as your default program, then click on it in the list below. 
    2. In the list of file types, you will see the current default for that type of file or link. Click on each file type that does not match your preferred app. 
    3. Click the name of your preferred app. 
  6. If you want to set the default app for one specific file type: 
    1. Underneath "Set a default for a file type or link type", search for the file extension you want to change (.pdf, .jpg, etc) 
    2. Click the program that appears. 
    3. Click the name of your preferred app.
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