As of 11/15/2022, use of the Remote Desktop service from off-campus networks requires an active VPN connection. If you are connecting from an off-campus network, first ensure you are connected to the vpn.
- In your web browser of choice, type into the address bar at the top and press the Enter key.
- Enter your St. Lawrence username and password. (For most people, your username is your email with the "" part removed)
- If you are looking to use a Remote Desktop, choose Windows 10 Lab. Otherwise, select the specific app from the list that you wish to use.
- If a box appears with the title "Access Local Resources", you can click Allow.
Additional Information
The Remote Desktop will allow you to access a virtual lab computer on campus in order to access on-campus resources without the use of a VPN. Remote Apps work similarly, however they give you access to a program or application within your browser instead of a full session of Windows.