Course Overload

Request registration in a course which constitutes an overload course. Course overload registration is manual and is done during the first seven days of the semester, or through an Academic Petition after the deadline.

Course Load Defined

During the semester, full-time students may take any four courses regardless of their unit value, or five or six courses that total no more than 4.75 units, without additional tuition charges. An overload consists of five or six courses total more than 4.75 units, or more than six courses.

Eligibility for Course Overload
  1. Students must be full-time;
  2. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0;
  3. First Year Students are not allowed to overload;
  4. Transfer Students in their first semester are not allowed to overload.
Course Overload Without Additional Charges
  1. Full-time students in good standing and making normal progress toward their degree, may register for up to 5.75 units without additional tuition charges during the fall or spring semesters. See Guidelines for normal academic progress in the University Catalog.
  2. A student who fails to convert all incomplete (E) grades to final grades by the end of the add/drop period may not take the free overload course privilege when other conditions are met. 
Request Form


Service ID: 45332
Tue 8/25/20 2:53 PM
Fri 1/28/22 9:52 AM