
SLU Email Account

St. Lawrence University provides an email account to current faculty, staff, students, and retirees. This email can be accessed through the Outlook Web app or with the Microsoft Outlook email application.  To login, you will need your St. Lawrence email address and your network password.

Faculty and Staff: 

Faculty and staff email accounts are provided during the their time of employment.  This account is active only while you are a current employee unless you retire from the university and should only be used for university business.


Students are provided a university email account for the duration of their education at St. Lawrence.  Your email account will remain active until the May following your graduation year (e.g. you graduate in May 2018, your account remains active until May 2019) or until you leave the university for other reasons.  This account should only be used for university business.


St. Lawrence official retirees may choose to keep their university network/email account. Those who choose to keep this account must submit a service request to schedule a consultation with IT.  Without this consultation, network and email accounts will expire 30 days from retirement date and cannot be reactivated unless employment status changes. For more information go to

Request Service

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