
What is Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is an online survey tool that allows users to build and distribute web forms and surveys, and analyze survey results.  Qualtrics is available to all St. Lawrence faculty, students and staff in support of teaching and research. If your research requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, your use of Qualtrics will need to be included in that review.  Click here for more information on the IRB.

What if you already use another survey application such as Survey Monkey?

Unfortunately, there is not a way to import into Qualtrics surveys created in other survey applications. Surveys will need to be recreated within Qualtrics. This can be as easy as copy/paste and also allows for the restructuring of questions to utilize the sophisticated survey tools available through Qualtrics.

As of July 1, 2016, with the university-wide availability of Qualtrics, the University will no longer approve purchases for any other web survey licenses (i.e., SurveyMonkey, Zommerang, Survey Gizmo, etc.).

Creating a Qualtrics account

  1. Sign in to Qualtrics at https://stlawu.qualtrics.com/
  2. Enter your St. Lawrence email address and password
  3. Review and accept Qualtrics’ Acceptable Use Policy.

Signing in automatically assigns you a default account with which you can collaborate with others, and create, but not activate and distribute, your own surveys. To distribute your survey, you must request an upgrade to your account.

Upgrading your account

Distributing surveys

For more information on distributing surveys, visit: https://www.stlawu.edu/ir/qualtrics/distributing-surveys

Technical support

  1.  Qualtrics Research Suite  provides extensive online help, including short videos and instructions.  Click “Help and Tutorials” on the right side of header, and type a brief description of what you’d like to learn.
  2. Qualtrics weekly webinar series and archive: http://www.qualtrics.com/university/researchsuite/misc-pages/misc/training-webinars/
  3. Within your Qualtrics Account, you will find a tab labeled “Library”.  The “Global Library” includes many examples of survey questions, question scales, and even full surveys.
  4. If you still don’t find the answer you need, please contact Qualtrics Support.  Next to the “Help and Tutorials” at the very top of your Qualtrics page, you will find a link to “Support & Feedback”.
  5. For any other questions, please contact SLU’s Qualtrics Administrators Christine Zimmerman or Jim Forney.

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