Mass Communications Policy


This policy is intended to guide communication of information from a person, group or organization to members of our campus community.


This policy is intended to guide communication of information from a person, group or organization to members of our campus community.

Official emergency
If an emergency poses danger to the campus-wide community, authorized personnel may utilize a range of media to convey emergency information to the university community. Depending upon the circumstances, the following options are available:

  • Broadcast email - SLUemployee and class listservs
  • Broadcast voicemail
  • Text Message - list managed by VP of Employee Relations, Lisa Cania
  • Website postings
  • Social media
  • Public Address messages broadcast from University Security and Safety patrol cars


Official non-emergency information
Electronic distribution methods of communication are preferred as they are more efficient and environmentally sound. Every effort should be made to communicate via one of the following methods:.

Email (listservs and distribution groups are available)
Below are the lists available for mass communication. Listserv communications may have limitions on or not allow attachments depending up the function of the list. To communicate most effectively, email subject lines should clearly capture the purpose of the email and the email itself should be kept brief and to the point.

For official university information only. All employees with email accounts receive communications through this listserv and may not opt-out. Only selected offices with responsibility for communicating official information may send messages to this listserv (The President's Office, Community and Employee Relations, University Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology, Security, Academic Dean's Office, Business Office, Finance, International Programs, University Advancement,Facilities Operations and Administrative Operations). List membership is updated at least monthly.

Paper copies of communications sent to SLUEMPLOYEE will be made available to employees without access to email.

For the dissemination of university related information. All employees with email accounts receive communications through this listserv and may opt-out. Students may not send to FACSTAFF directly, but may request that an employee (at their discretion) forward a message. FACSTAFF may be used for non-business related communication, as long as the message is courteous and legal. List membership is updated at least monthly.

More information about the FACSTAFF list is available in the following policy:

For all employees with faculty status to send and receive messages meant only for faculty. List membership updated at least monthly.

Class listservs
For official communication applicable to all students (full- and part-time, undergraduate and graduate). Only selected offices with responsibility for communicating official information may send messages to this listserv (The President's Office, Community and Employee Relations, University Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology, Security, Academic Dean's Office, Business Office, International Programs, University Advancement, and Administrative Operations).  Class listservs are moderated by the Student Life department, for more information click here.

SLUwire is a directory of events on campus.  Any event must be affiliated with a group or department.  All posts are moderated before they are published.

University websites
Each department maintains a website which may be used to post news and announcements.

Personal websites
All members of the university community are provided with space on their P-Drives where they may develop a website and access to WordPress MU (aka SLUblogs) where they may develop a blog-site, the content of which is subject to the university's Acceptable Use Policy.

Student Mail Center (SMC)
The Student Mail Center (SMC) only accepts mass mailings from officially recognized student organizations.  All student organization mailing are subject to approval by the Office of Student Activities.  In compliance with the Office of Student Activities rules, your event must follow University policies.  

Faculty/staff mail center - All mail (except official communications - see section IV below) must be labeled with the recipient's name and department. At the discretion of individual departments, bulk mailings may be bundled and labeled for delivery to departments for distribution to their staff.

Print (publications and flyers) - Student organizations may place publications in designated pick-up points around campus (generally located in lobbies of academic, athletics, administrative, and residential buildings). Flyers may be posted only on designated bulletin boards across campus, should be dated appropriately, and removed when no longer current. Many academic buildings have bulletin boards designated for the posting of academic materials and are not for the posting of flyers.

  • Mass mailings and paper copies of information may be distributed through any of the following methods:
  • Campus mail using individualized address labels. With adequate notice, Human Resources (x5596) will provide an excel spreadsheet with individual employees' campus addresses for labeling.
  • Distribution to supervisors for posting on departmental bulletin boards
  • Distribution of sufficient copies to department supervisors for distribution to their employees. Human Resources (315.229.5596) maintains a listing of number of personnel in each department.

Telephone (campus landline) - the university's phone system allows for the mass distribution of voicemail messages. This system is available for official communications as well as those at the department and individual level. 

Unofficial communication
Faculty and staff are encouraged to use the FACSTAFF listserv for university related communications. Other non-university related information may be emailed by addressing the FACSTAFF listserv and putting SLUBAY in the subject line.

If necessary, printed materials may be distributed through the following methods:

  • Campus mail using individualized address labels. With adequate notice, Human Resources (315.229.5596) will provide an electronic mailing labels file with individual employees' campus addresses.
  • Distribution to supervisors for posting on departmental bulletin boards
  • Distribution of sufficient copies to department supervisors for distribution to their employees. Human Resources (315.229.5596) maintains a listing of number of personnel in each department.

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Request access or support for distribution groups and listserv.
Office phone and voicemail requests