APR2 for Advisors


This article explains how advisers can search the course catalog in APR 2.0, and view an advisee's course plan and progress.


View the Course Catalog

  1. Go to https://apr2.stlawu.edu/
  2. Log in with your St. Lawrence username and password
  3. Type your search in the search bar at the top right of the page marked Search for courses...

The search bar accessible from the Course Catalog tab only searches department/program names. It does not search the catalog for courses.

View Advisee Progress

  1. Go to https://apr2.stlawu.edu/
  2. Log in with your St. Lawrence username and password
  3. Click the advisee's name from the list that appears
  4. Click the Progress tab

Review an Advisee's Course Plan

  1. Go to https://apr2.stlawu.edu/
  2. Log in with your St. Lawrence username and password
  3. Click the advisee's name from the list that appears
  4. Click the right and left arrows to browse semesters
  5. Click List and Calendar to toggle between those views



Article ID: 55523
Mon 6/11/18 3:26 PM
Fri 6/22/18 1:59 PM