Providing Students Access to a Canvas Course to Satisfy an Incomplete


After a term ends, by default, all students will retain Read Only access to their Canvas course sites.  In some cases, this level of access may be sufficient for students to satisfy an incomplete.  

Note: It may be necessary to go to Courses > All Courses to locate and access a course from a past term.  Clicking the Star to Favorite that course will make it appear in one's Dashboard

If an instructor needs a specific student, or set of students, to have the ability to engage fully with the course materials (submit Assignments, take Quizzes, etc), a New Section will need to be added to the course:

  • If the Canvas Term has not yet ended (occurs a few weeks after the end of finals week for that term), an Instructor can create that section themselves:
    • Settings > Sections -- for a section name we suggest using the Course Code and append something to make clear the function of the section (ie. GEOL-101-01-Extended Access)
    • In the Section listing, click the name of that new section, then Edit Section to set a Start Date and an End Date, check the "Students can only participate in the course between these dates", and then Update Section
  • If the Canvas Term has ended, the Instructor will no longer have the ability to create the New Section.  Submit a Service Request and IT will create that New Section for you

You will need to add yourself (as Instructor) and any students requiring Extended Access to that new Section

  • People > click the ellipsis to the far right of each member of the course who you wish to grant Extended Access > browse for the new Section, select it, and Update (you and your students can, and should, remain in their original section(s)
  • You may also need to update availability, due dates, etc for any assignments, quizzes, etc, that will need to be completed. 
    Note: when doing so, do not remove the previous assignment to Everyone, etc, as doing so will remove their submissions from the assignment, gradebook, etc*.  Instead, use +Add to additionally assign the assignment, etc, to the New Section with the extended availability and/or due date (note: the earlier assignment will change to Everyone Else)

* Note: if you mistakenly remove an Everyone assignment, don't worry, restoring that Everyone Else assignment will restore their submissions