Connect to Wi-Fi on Game Consoles and Smart Devices


This article shows you how to connect your Game Consoles and Smart Devices such as Smart TVs, Rokus, or other streaming devices to SLU-Devices.


First-time Setup

  1. Log in to on a computer or smartphone with your full St. Lawrence email address and password.
  2. Select create device from the menu on the left.
  3. Enter the MAC address for the device you are registering. (If there is a Wireless or Wi-Fi MAC address listed as well, use that instead.)
  4. Next to Sponsor's Email, enter in your personal email address. When a password is generated for this device, you will receive an email receipt to this address.
  5. Enter a device name of your choosing (Recommended: John Smith PS5 - note, this is only visible to you and members of IT).
  6. Check Use a Unique Wi-Fi Password.
  7. Check Enable AirGroup if you wish to wirelessly stream your Mac/iPhone/iPad to your Apple TV via airplay. If not, go to step 9
    1. Select Personal
    2. Enter your St. Lawrence username (everything before the in your email address) 
  8. Leave account Activation and Expiration at the default settings (Now and 1 year from now).
  9. For account role, select Game Console for your PS4/PS5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, etc. or if it is a streaming device, smart TV, etc select Other.
  10. Enter a description of the device in Notes if you would like.
  11. Check the Terms of Use and then click Create.
  12. Write down your PSK password that is presented to you on the receipt page.

Connecting to the network

  1. On your newly registered device (game console, smart TV, etc), choose SLU-DEVICES from the available wireless networks.
  2. When prompted, enter the PSK password you received when you registered your device.
    1. Note, if you forgot to write down your PSK password, you can login to and click on Manage Devices to retrieve your PSK password. 


If you receive an error when you enter your personal PSK follow this guide to assist you

  1. Ensure you have selected the “SLU-DEVICES” network.
  2. Enter the PSK you received when you registered your device.
  3. Login to on a computer or smart device.
  • Choose Manage My Devices.
  • Select the device you registered and verify that you selected the proper account role, “Game Console” for any Game Consoles or “Other” for streaming devices.
  • If you selected the wrong account role, you will need to click Remove, select Delete Account, click Make Changes and then go through the registration process again.

If you receive an error that your device has already been registered, but it is not visible under Manage Devices, sign in with your St Lawrence University username instead of your email, or vice versa. If the device is not visible under either logins, submit a service request for further assistance.

Please note that certain devices are not compatible with the SLU-Devices network. While smart speakers like Amazon Echo, Google Home, or Apple Homepod will work on campus and allow for audio streaming, other home appliance devices that connect to the Wi-Fi, such as smart lightbulbs or smart outlets, will not. 



Article ID: 147550
Mon 8/8/22 2:14 PM
Thu 1/30/25 12:36 PM