Number Matching with Microsoft Authenticator App (Feb 2023 Update)

Microsoft Authenticator App Update

After 2/27/23, there will be a change to the way the Microsoft Authenticator App prompts you to complete a multi-factor authentication (MFA) challenge. Now, you will be shown a number on your screen that you will type in within the app. This is a change required by Microsoft in order to improve security.

NOTE: This update ONLY affects people using the Microsoft Authenticator App on a smartphone. Users authenticating with text message or phone call verification will NOT be affected.


  1. After entering your email address and password to sign into a SLU website, open the Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone.
  2. On your computer, under the text that says Approve sign in, you will see a two-digit number.
  3. On your phone, in the Microsoft Authenticator App, enter the number listed on your computer screen.
  4. On your phone, tap Yes.
    • You may then be prompted to enter Face ID, Touch ID, or your Phone's unlock code.
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