Set up GlobalProtect VPN Client for Windows

Users who are unable to use the Microsoft Authenticator App with Push Notifications to connect to can use the following instructions to install and configure the GlobalProtect VPN client for secure remote access to the campus network.

How to set up the GlobalProtect VPN:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to and sign in with your St. Lawrence credentials.
  2. Download the GlobalProtect agent for your client OS version. Unless you are specifically running a 32 bit version of Windows, select "Download Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agent"
  3. In your downloads folder, find and double-click the GlobalProtect64.msi to launch the installer wizard.
  4. Follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation.
  5. Launch the GlobalProtect app
  6. In the Portal field enter then click "Connect"
  7. The application will open a new window to complete your sign-in:
    1. Enter your St. Lawrence Credentials
    2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the MFA challenge and sign-in.
  8. Upon successful sign-in your GlobalProtect client will be connected to the campus VPN.
  9. You can verify the GlobalProtect connectivity status by right-clicking the globe icon in your system tray. 
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Article ID: 151800
Thu 10/13/22 8:09 AM
Tue 10/18/22 10:12 AM